Ten truths about human nature: avoid detours.

human NATURE TEN 2024-02-10 94


Discover these ten deep truths about the complexities of human nature and steer clear of any distractions.

1. Society often judges people based on their outward appearance, but success can make any flaws seem insignificant. Ugliness becomes tolerable, fat is seen as plump, short is a defining feature, and skin color is appreciated for its texture.

2. Many women find themselves repeatedly deceived by men because their standards are so high that only dishonest individuals can meet them. Genuine people are unable to fulfill their unrealistic expectations.

3. While it's not always necessary to do things perfectly, it is important to communicate effectively and respectfully.

4. The more powerful a person becomes, the fewer genuine friends they are likely to have. It's a common misconception that having more friends makes life easier, but in reality, true friends are only attracted to a person once they are already successful.

5. If you have no value or worth, people will not listen to your heartfelt advice. What truly matters to them is the immediate value you can offer.

6. In a bustling city, poverty often goes unnoticed, while wealth in remote locations can attract distant relatives. When you are struggling, do not burden others, as they will only shun and disdain you.

7. Teaching can sometimes be a form of showing off, subconsciously asserting superiority over others. This can lead to resentment from those being taught.

8. Social resources are finite, so it's necessary to pursue opportunities rather than waiting for them to be distributed.

9. The more assertive your personality, the more accommodating the world may be towards you. Conversely, if you are gentle and accommodating, the world may respond with aggression.

10. When you are only slightly ahead of others, they may envy, attack, or slander you. However, when you surpass them by a large margin, they may neither have the courage nor the desire to envy you, but instead, will admire and respect you.
