The Unseen Logic of Crypto Wealth: Why Most People

Crypto GET IN LOGIC 2024-02-01 57


The underlying logic of getting rich in the crypto circle is based on the fact that ninety-nine percent of people can't make money in this realm. The coins that have the potential to rise tenfold or even a hundredfold are incomprehensible to most people, creating a significant gap in wealth. Only those with extremely high cognition and insight can understand the biggest opportunities to get rich and identify the most potential coins. This high threshold eliminates most people, leaving only a few who can enjoy the high dividends.

Contrastingly, the traditional paths of working for wages, saving money in the bank for interest, and studying to increase income are based on a logic that everyone can understand. However, these paths can only sustain a basic standard of living and cannot lead to great wealth and success. In fact, a serious illness can erase all previous efforts in an instant.
